
NEWS (Archive)

October 2017

International Conference: Across Labels: Genres of Music Theatre

What are the differences between an opera and a lyrical drama? Or from an operetta and a zarzuela? Is Fidelio just a singspiel or Curro Vargas a zarzuela? And within género chico, where can we trace the boundaries between sainete and revista? Are they distinct enough to categorize them as independent genres? Many of these questions have never been properly addressed, in part owing to the scholarly tendency to focus on distinct genres, periods or styles, making it difficult to identify continuities that remain through centuries or frontiers. Certain aesthetic prejudices discriminate genres regarded as entertainment (operetta, salon music) against others purportedly more elevated (opera, symphony) even when they share common characteristics. The various denominations, often used as mere classification labels, decisively condition academic research as well as the access to cultural products. Therefore, it appears to be necessary to discuss the constrains generated by concepts of “genre”, particularly in relation with theatrical music.

Keynote Speakers
Tim Carter (University of North Carolina)
Valeria De Lucca (University of Southampton)
Juan José Carreras (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Call for proposals
The conference will accept paper proposals related to terminology, intertextuality, intersections and divergences between genres, encouraging perspectives beyond terminological, national and chronological limits.

The Program Committee encourages submissions within the following areas:
- Lexicography, terminological controversies and proposals for new classification.
- Synchronic and diachronic intertextuality among different genres.
- Overlapping and interaction of literary and musical features. Consequences in the configuration of drama.
- Cultural assimilation of theatrical genres and convergence of different dramatic traditions.
- Analysis of the key points in the dramatic configuration: common elements for the creation of dramatic expectations.
- Theatrical genres from Madrid: musical map of the city, musical environments beyond the theatre and intersections.

Two documents should be sent to across.labels@gmail.com:
1. .doc or .rtf document with the title and abstract of the proposal (200-250 words), without the name of the author. It is important to avoid information that could identify the author.
2. .doc or .rtf document with the title of the proposal, personal information, brief biography (200-300 words) and audiovisual media or other technical requirements.
- Proposal should be received before 15 November 2017.
- Accepted papers will be announced after 15 December 2017.
Official languages: Spanish and English.
Dates: 24-26 April 2018

Venue: Madrid, Teatro Real (Sala Gayarre), Plaza Isabel II s/n

Registration: Students and speakers: 20 €; General: 40 €.

Organization: This conference is the result of two research proyects coordinated by the ICCMU: MadMusic: Espacios, géneros y públicos de la música en Madrid, ss. xvii-xx (Comunidad de Madrid, S2015/HUM-3483) y MuTe: Musica teatral en España: géneros, continuidades e interacciones (1680-1914) (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, HAR2016-80768-P).

Directors of the Conference: Álvaro Torrente (Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales); Víctor Sánchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); M. Pilar Espín (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)

Scientific Comittee: José Máximo Leza (Universidad de Salamanca), Elena Torres Clemente (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), María Encina Cortizo (Universidad de Oviedo), Cristina Urchueguía (Universität Bern), Tobias Branderberger (Georg-August Universität Göttingen), Isabelle Porto (Tours)

Organization Comittee: Cristina Aguilar, Carlos González Ludeña y Zoila Martínez Beltrán.

Contact: across.labels@gmail.com

Congreso Internacional: Géneros de teatro musical: más allá de las etiquetas

¿Qué diferencia una ópera de un drama lírico o una opereta de una zarzuela? ¿Es Fidelio simplemente un Singspiel o Curro Vargas una zarzuela? Y dentro del género chico, ¿cuáles son las fronteras entre un sainete y una revista? ¿Tienen suficientes diferencias como para considerarlos géneros independientes? Muchas de estas preguntas quedan sin plantear, en parte como consecuencia de la tendencia del mundo académico a centrarse en géneros, períodos o estilos delimitados, dificultando la identificación de continuidades que se mantienen a lo largo de los siglos o a través de las fronteras. Ciertos prejuicios estéticos discriminan los supuestos géneros de entretenimiento (opereta, bailes de salón…) frente a los considerados géneros de arte (ópera, sinfonía…), aun cuando presentan características comunes. Las diversas denominaciones, utilizadas a veces como meras etiquetas clasificatorias, determinan de manera decisiva tanto la investigación como el consumo de los productos culturales. Resulta así necesario reflexionar sobre el encasillamiento que generan los conceptos de “género” en relación con el mundo del teatro musical.

Ponentes invitados
Tim Carter (University of North Carolina)
Valeria De Lucca (University of Southampton)
Juan José Carreras (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Envío de propuestas
Se integrarán ponencias relacionadas con la terminología, intertextualidad, intersecciones y divergencias entre los géneros, promoviendo una visión que vaya más allá de limitaciones terminológicas, nacionales y cronológicas.

Se aceptarán comunicaciones en torno a las siguientes áreas:
- Lexicografía, controversias terminológicas y senderos hacia nuevas propuestas.
- Intertextualidad sincrónicas y diacrónicas entre los distintos géneros
- Imbricación e interacción de los aspectos literarios y musicales. Consecuencias en la configuración del drama.
- Asimilación cultural de géneros teatrales y convergencia de diferentes tradiciones dramáticas.
- Análisis de los puntos clave de la configuración dramática: elementos comunes para la creación de expectativas teatrales.
- Géneros teatrales madrileños: mapa musical de la ciudad, ambientes musicales ajenos al teatro e intersecciones.

Se deberá enviar dos documentos a across.labels@gmail.com:
1. Documento .doc o .rtf, sin que conste el nombre del autor, con el título de la comunicación y un resumen de unas 200-250 palabras. Es importante que este documento no contenga elementos que identifiquen al autor.
2. Un documento .doc o .rtf con el título de la comunicación, los datos personales del investigador, un currículum breve (200-300 palabras) así como necesidades técnicas.

- Envío de propuestas antes del 15 de noviembre de 2017.
- Selección de propuestas se anunciará a partir del 15 de diciembre de 2017.
Lenguajes oficiales: español e inglés
Fechas: Del 24 al 26 de abril de 2018

Lugar: Madrid, Teatro Real (Sala Gayarre), Plaza Isabel II s/n

Inscripción y cuotas: Estudiantes y ponentes: 20 €; General: 40 €

Organización: Este congreso es un resultado de dos proyectos de investigación coordinados por el ICCMU: MadMusic: Espacios, géneros y públicos de la música en Madrid, ss. xvii-xx (Comunidad de Madrid, S2015/HUM-3483) y MuTe: Musica teatral en España: géneros, continuidades e interacciones (1680-1914) (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, HAR2016-80768-P).

Directores del Congreso: Álvaro Torrente (Instituto Complutense de Ciencias Musicales); Víctor Sánchez (Universidad Complutense de Madrid); M. Pilar Espín (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia)

Comité científico: José Máximo Leza (Universidad de Salamanca), Elena Torres Clemente (Universidad Complutense de Madrid), María Encina Cortizo (Universidad de Oviedo), Cristina Urchueguía (Universität Bern), Tobias Branderberger (Georg-August Universität Göttingen), Isabelle Porto (Tours)

Comité de organización: Cristina Aguilar, Carlos González Ludeña y Zoila Martínez Beltrán.

Contacto: across.labels@gmail.com


September 2017


The Otto Mayer-Serra Award for Music Research

The University of California, Riverside, and the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music (CILAM) call for submissions for the Otto Mayer-Serra Awards, given annually for the best unpublished articles on any aspect of Iberian or Latin American Music.


Two awards will be given: First Place, $2000; Second Place, $1000. There will also be an Honorable mention, but with no monetary award. The two award-winning essays will be published in Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review, <http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal> the peer-reviewed online journal of the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music at the University of California, Riverside.


All scholars are eligible to apply, regardless of age, nationality, or place of residence.


The winners will be selected by a committee of outside reviewers, nominated by CILAM. The names of the committee members will be made public after a decision has been reached. The committee’s decision is final and may not be appealed. If no submission is deemed worthy, the prize may not be awarded. The committee may disqualify any participant who does not meet the requirements established by this call.

Application process

A completed application will consist of the following:

1. Authors of articles to be considered for the awards should submit one complete copy in word doc or pdf format as an attachment to an email addressed to Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). Articles should not exceed 40 pages, inclusive of references, illustrations, and musical examples. All material should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman Font, with margins of at least one inch.

2. To allow for the anonymous review of submissions, the author’s name should appear only in the cover email, which should also contain the full title of the submission and all relevant contact information. Authors should avoid identifying themselves in the manuscript itself (title page, header, notes) or in the file information.

3. The article must be unpublished and written in Spanish or Portuguese and will be published correspondingly in either language.
Application deadline: December 4, 2017. Prize winners will be notified by February 5, 2018.

After being notified, the winning authors will submit publication-quality musical examples and illustrations in TIFF (300dpi) and the text in Word format. The author will be responsible for arranging the corresponding permits for publication.

The Otto Mayer-Serra Prize for Music Research was established in 2008 by Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas, Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and Pauta. It is funded by the College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences at UCR.

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Premio Otto Mayer-Serra de Investigación Musical

La Universidad de California Riverside y el Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latino Americana (CILAM) convocan a la presentación de ensayos para el Premio Internacional de Investigación Musical Otto Mayer Serra, otorgado anualmente a los dos mejores artículos sin previa publicación, sobre cualquier aspecto de la música ibérica o latinoamericana.


Se otorgarán dos premios consistentes en $2,000 y $1,000 dólares al primer y segundo lugar, respectivamente. Habrá igualmente una mención honorífica, sin premio monetario. Los dos artículos ganadores serán publicados en Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review (Diagonal: Una revista musical iberoamericana), <http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal> la revista dictaminada y en línea del Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latino Americana de la Universidad de California Riverside.


Podrán participar todos los autores, sin importar su edad, lugar de residencia o nacionalidad, que en forma individual presenten un ensayo sobre la música de América Latina.

El jurado será nombrado por CILAM y estará integrado por investigadores de reconocido prestigio internacional. La composición del jurado se hará pública hasta la emisión del fallo y su decisión será inapelable. Es facultad del jurado descalificar cualquier trabajo que no cumpla con alguno de los requisitos marcados por esta convocatoria. El premio podrá ser declarado desierto.


1. Los trabajos deberán ser enviados en formato Word o pdf, anexos a un correo electrónico dirigido a Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). El texto deberá tener una extensión máxima de 40 cuartillas a doble espacio, Times New Roman, 12 Pts., márgenes no menores de 2.5 cm, incluyendo ejemplos musicales, gráficos, tablas, referencias y apéndices.

2. Para permitir la revisión anónima de los textos el nombre del autor aparecerá solamente en el mensaje de correo electrónico, el cual deberá contener también el título del artículo y todos los datos necesarios para establecer contacto con el autor. Los autores deberán evitar identificarse tanto en el texto del artículo como en el documento en general (encabezado, notas, etc.).

3. El artículo debe no haber sido publicado previamente y estar escrito en español o portugués, idioma en el cual será publicado en Diagonal.

La fecha límite de entrega es el 4 de diciembre de 2017. Los ganadores serán notificados a más tardar el 5 de febrero de 2018.

En caso de ser declarado ganador, los gráficos y ejemplos musicales correspondientes al trabajo deberán ser entregados en formato TIFF (300 dpi) y los archivos de texto en formato Word. El autor será responsable de tramitar los permisos de reproducción de música y de gráficos.

El Premio Internacional de Investigación Musical Otto Mayer-Serra fue patrocinado en 2008 por Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas, Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y la revista Pauta.

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Prêmio Otto Mayer-Serra para a Pesquisa em Música

A Universidade da Califórnia em Riverside e o Centro para a Música Ibérica e
Latino-Americana (CILAM) abrem uma chamada de trabalhos para o Prêmio Otto Mayer-Serra, outorgado anualmente ao melhor trabalho inédito sobre qualquer aspecto da música ibérica ou latino-americana.


Dois prêmios serão concedidos: Primeiro Lugar US$ 2.000,00; Segundo Lugar US$ 1.000,00. Haverá também Menção Honrosa, mas sem prêmio monetário. Os dois ensaios vencedores serão publicados em Diagonal: Revista de Música Ibero-Americana, <http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal> um jornal online avaliado por pares e publicado pelo Centro para a Música Ibérica e Latino-Americana da Universidade da Califórnia em Riverside.


Todos os pesquisadores são convidados a participar, sem limite de idade, nacionalidade, ou local de residência.


Os vencedores serão selecionados por um comitê de avaliadores externos, nomeados pelo CILAM. Os nomes dos membros serão divulgados assim que o comitê tenha sido constituído. A decisão do comitê será final e não sujeita a apelação. No caso de nenhum trabalho ser considerado de qualidade suficiente, o prêmio poderá não ser outorgado. O comitê poderá desqualificar qualquer participante que não comprir os requisitos estabelecidos nesta chamada.


Uma inscrição completa constará do seguinte:

1. Autores deverão enviar seus trabalhos em formato doc ou pdf, anexados a um email dirigido a Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). O trabalho deverá ter uma extensão máxima de 40 páginas em papel tamanho carta, incluindo exemplos musicais, imagens, tabelas, referências e apêndices. O texto deverá ser redigido integralmente em espaçamento duplo, fonte Times New Roman, 12 Pts., margens não menores do que 2.5 cm,

2. A fim de permitir a avaliação anônima dos trabalhos, o nome do(a) autor(a) deverá aparecer apenas na página de rosto, que conterá também o título completo e informações para contato. Na medida do possível, autores devem evitar identificar-se no manuscrito (página inicial, cabeçalho, notas) ou no próprio arquivo digital (i.e., menu Propriedades).

3. O trabalho deverá ser inédito e escrito em espanhol ou português. Caso seja selecionado, o trabalho será publicado no mesmo idioma. Data-limite: 4 de Dezembro de 2017. Os vencedores serão anunciados até 5 de Fevereiro de 2018.

Após notificados, os autores selecionados deverão submeter os exemplos musicais em qualidade padrão para publicação (TIFF, 300dpi) e o texto em formato doc Word. Quando necessária, a obtenção das permissões de publicação de imagens e excertos musicais ficará a cargo dos autores.

O Prêmio Internacional Otto Mayer-Serra de Pesquisa em Música foi estabelecido em 2008 por Instrumenta Oaxaca, Governo do Estado de Oaxaca, Fundação para as Letras Mexicanas, Coordenação de Difusão Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Belas Artes e a revista Pauta. Ele é financiado pelo Colégio de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências Sociais da UCR.

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February 2017

The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music at the University of California, Riverside, is pleased to announce the results of the 2016 Otto Mayer-Serra Competition, for the best essays on Iberian and Latin American Music, in either historical musicology or ethnomusicology. This annual competition honors the memory of the Spanish-Mexican musicologist Otto Mayer-Serra (1904-68) and seeks to continue his legacy of groundbreaking research. The OMS competition accepts submissions in Spanish or Portuguese. The first-prize award is for $2000, and second prize, $1000. When warranted, there is also an Honorable Mention. This year’s competition attracted such a large number of high-quality submissions that the jury awarded two honorable mentions. First-prize articles are published in the peer-reviewed online journal Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review <http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal>.

Information about the 2017 competition will be available in the summer.

2016 Otto Mayer-Serra Competition Results

First Prize

Dr. Julio Mendívil (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main): “Cosa de hombres: sobre construcciones de género en la musicología sobre la música de los Andes.”

Second Prize

Hermann Hudde (University of California, Riverside): “Panamericanismo en acción: música y compositores latinoamericanos en Tanglewood desde 1941 hasta 1951.”

Honorable Mention ex equo

1. Dr. Juan Francisco Sans (Universidad Central de Venezuela): “Disciplinando el cuerpo, sujetando las pasiones: baile y música en la educación hispanoamericana del siglo XIX.”

2. Dr. Belén Vega Pichaco (Universidad de Oviedo): “La reinvención de la 'tradición' musical: discursos y prácticas en torno a la construcción de una 'Escuela Cubana de Composición' (1934-1946).”

The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music is grateful to the large number of scholars who submitted essays to this year’s competition and looks forward to future contributions. It especially wishes to thank the distinguished panel of judges who reviewed the submissions:

Antoni Pizà, chair (CUNY Graduate Center)
Paulo Chagas (University of California, Riverside)
Javier Suárez-Pajares (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

Walter Aaron Clark Professor of Musicology
Director, Center for Iberian and Latin American Music
University of California, Riverside

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February 2016

2015 Otto Mayer-Serra Competition Results

The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music at the University of California, Riverside, is pleased to announce the results of the 2015 Otto Mayer-Serra Competition, for the best essays on Iberian and Latin American Music, in either historical musicology or ethnomusicology. This annual competition honors the memory of the Spanish-Mexican musicologist Otto Mayer-Serra (1904-68) and seeks to continue his legacy of groundbreaking research. The OMS competition accepts submissions in Spanish or Portuguese. The first-prize award is for $2000, and second prize, $1000.  When warranted, there is also an Honorable Mention. Winning articles will be published in the peer-reviewed online journal Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review <http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal>

Information about the 2016 competition will soon be available.

2015 Otto Mayer-Serra Competition Results

First Prize

José Manuel Izquierdo König (Cambridge University): “El Militar Retirado de Pedro Jiménez de Abrill (Arequipa, 1784-Sucre, 1856):  una tonadilla inédita en el Perú independiente.”

Second Prize

Ling Fung Chan (University of Florida): “Reconsiderar los elementos goyescos para la evolución de El Corregidor y la Molinera y El Sombrero de Tres Picos por Manuel de Falla.”

Honorable Mention

César D. Favila (University of Chicago): “Esposo de Paula, Ya, Jesús”: los contextos sacros y sociales de algunos villancicos de monjas novahispanas.”

The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music is grateful to the record number of scholars who submitted essays to this year’s competition and looks forward to future contributions.  It especially wishes to thank the distinguished panel of judges who reviewed the submissions:

Carol Hess, chair (University of California, Davis)
Maria Alice Volpe (Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro)
Víctor Rondón (Universidad de Chile)


Walter Aaron Clark
Professor of Musicology
Director, Center for Iberian and Latin American Music
University of California, Riverside


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October 2015

Announcement in English, Spanish, and Portuguese



The Otto Mayer-Serra Award for Music Research

The University of California, Riverside, and the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music (CILAM) call for submissions for the Otto Mayer-Serra Awards, given annually for the best unpublished articles on any aspect of Iberian or Latin American Music.


Two awards will be given:  First Place, $2000; Second Place, $1000.  There will also be an Honorable mention, but with no monetary award.  The two award-winning essays will be published in Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review, http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal a new peer-reviewed online journal of the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music at the University of California, Riverside.


All scholars are eligible to apply, regardless of age, nationality, or place of residence.


The winners will be selected by a committee of outside reviewers, nominated by CILAM. The names of the committee members will be made public after a decision has been reached. The committee’s decision is final and may not be appealed. If no submission is deemed worthy, the prize may not be awarded. The committee may disqualify any participant who does not meet the requirements established by this call.

Application process

A completed application will consist of the following:

1. Authors of articles to be considered for the awards should submit one complete copy in word doc or pdf format as an attachment to an email addressed to Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). Articles should not exceed 40 pages, inclusive of references, illustrations, and musical examples. All material should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman Font, with margins of at least one inch.

2. To allow for the anonymous review of submissions, the author’s name should appear only in the cover letter, which should also contain the full title of the submission and all relevant contact information. Authors should avoid identifying themselves in the manuscript itself (title page, header, notes) or in the file information.

3. The article must be unpublished and written in Spanish or Portuguese and will be published correspondingly in either language.
Application deadline: November 20, 2015. Prize winners will be notified by January 20, 2016.

After being notified, the winning authors will submit publication-quality musical examples and illustrations in TIFF (300dpi) and the text in Word format. The author will be responsible for arranging the corresponding permits for publication.

The Otto Mayer-Serra Prize for Music Research was established in 2008 by Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas,  Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and Pauta.  It is funded by the College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences at UCR.

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Premio Otto Mayer-Serra Award de Investigación Musical

La Universidad de California Riverside y el Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latino Americana (CILAM) convocan a la presentación de ensayos para el Premio Internacional de Investigación Musical Otto Mayer Serra, otorgado anualmente a los dos mejores artículos sin previa publicación, sobre cualquier aspecto de la música ibérica o latinoamericana.


Se otorgarán dos premios consistentes en $2,000 y $1,000 dólares al primer y segundo lugar, respectivamente. Habrá igualmente una mención honorífica, sin premio monetario. Los dos artículos ganadores serán publicados en Diagonal:  An Ibero-American Music Review (Diagonal: Una revista musical iberoamericana), http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal la nueva revista dictaminada y en línea del Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latino Americana de la Universidad de California Riverside.


Podrán participar todos los autores, sin importar su edad, lugar de residencia o nacionalidad, que en forma individual presenten un ensayo sobre la música de América Latina.

El jurado será nombrado por CILAM y estará integrado por investigadores de reconocido prestigio internacional. La composición del jurado se hará pública hasta la emisión del fallo y su decisión será inapelable. Es facultad del jurado descalificar cualquier trabajo que no cumpla con alguno de los requisitos marcados por esta convocatoria. El premio podrá ser declarado desierto.


1. Los trabajos deberán ser enviados en formato Word o pdf, anexos a un correo electrónico dirigido a Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). El texto deberá tener una extensión máxima de 40 cuartillas a doble espacio, Times New Roman, 12 Pts., márgenes no menores de 2.5 cm, incluyendo ejemplos musicales, gráficos, tablas, referencias y apéndices.

2. Para permitir la revisión anónima de los textos el nombre del autor aparecerá solamente en el mensaje de correo electrónico, el cual deberá contener también el título del artículo y todos los datos necesarios para establecer contacto con el autor. Los autores deberán evitar identificarse tanto en el texto del artículo como en el documento en general (encabezado, notas, etc.).

3. El artículo debe no haber sido publicado previamente y estar escrito en español o portugués, idioma en el cual será publicado en Diagonal.

La fecha límite de entrega es el 20 de noviembre de 2015. Los ganadores serán notificados a más tardar el 20 de enero de 2016.

En caso de ser declarado ganador, los gráficos y ejemplos musicales correspondientes al trabajo deberán ser entregados en formato TIFF (300 dpi) y los archivos de texto en formato Word. El autor será responsable de tramitar los permisos de reproducción de música y de gráficos.

El Premio Internacional de Investigación Musical Otto Mayer-Serra fue patrocinado en 2008 por Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas,  Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y la revista Pauta

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Prêmio Otto Mayer-Serra para a Pesquisa em Música

A Universidade da Califórnia em Riverside e o Centro para a Música Ibérica e
Latino-Americana (CILAM) abrem uma chamada de trabalhos para o Prêmio Otto Mayer-Serra, outorgado anualmente ao melhor trabalho inédito sobre qualquer aspecto da música ibérica ou latino-americana.


Dois prêmios serão concedidos: Primeiro Lugar US$ 2.000,00; Segundo Lugar US$ 1.000,00. Haverá também Menção Honrosa, mas sem prêmio monetário. Os dois ensaios vencedores serão publicados no número inaugural de Diagonal: Revista de Música Ibero-Americana, http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal um novo jornal online avaliado por pares e publicado pelo Centro para a Música Ibérica e Latino-Americana da Universidade da Califórnia em Riverside.


Todos os pesquisadores são convidados a participar, sem limite de idade, nacionalidade, ou local de residência.


Os vencedores serão selecionados por um comitê de avaliadores externos, nomeados pelo CILAM. Os nomes dos membros serão divulgados assim que o comitê tenha sido constituído. A decisão do comitê será final e não sujeita a apelação. No caso de nenhum trabalho ser considerado de qualidade suficiente, o prêmio poderá não ser outorgado. O comitê poderá desqualificar qualquer participante que não comprir os requisitos estabelecidos nesta chamada.


Uma inscrição completa constará do seguinte:

1. Autores deverão enviar seus trabalhos em formato doc ou pdf, anexados a um email dirigido a Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). O trabalho deverá ter uma
extensão máxima de 40 páginas em papel tamanho carta, incluindo exemplos musicais, imagens, tabelas, referências e apêndices. O texto deverá ser redigido integralmente em espaçamento duplo, fonte Times New Roman, 12 Pts., margens não menores do que 2.5 cm,

2. A fim de permitir a avaliação anônima dos trabalhos, o nome do(a) autor(a) deverá aparecer apenas na página de rosto, que conterá também o título completo e informações para contato. Na medida do possível, autores devem evitar identificar-se no manuscrito (página inicial, cabeçalho, notas) ou no próprio arquivo digital (i.e., menu Propriedades).

3. O trabalho deverá ser inédito e escrito em Espanhol ou Português. Caso seja selecionado, o trabalho será publicado no mesmo idioma. Data-limite: 20 de Novembro de 2015. Os vencedores serão anunciados até 20 de Janeiro de 2016.

Após notificados, os autores selecionados deverão submeter os exemplos musicais em qualidade padrão para publicação (TIFF, 300dpi) e o texto em formato doc Word. Quando necessária, a obtenção das permissões de publicação de imagens e excertos musicais ficará a cargo dos autores.

O Prêmio Internacional Otto Mayer-Serra de Pesquisa em Música foi estabelecido em 2008 por Instrumenta Oaxaca, Governo do Estado de Oaxaca, Fundação para as Letras Mexicanas, Coordenação de Difusão Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Belas Artes e a revista Pauta. Ele é financiado pelo Colégio de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências Sociais da UCR.

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September 2015

Announcement in English, Spanish, and Portuguese


The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music is pleased to announce the launch of a new journal: Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review
Its purpose is to highlight the latest research into the vast musical heritage of Iberia and Latin America, as well as other regions once under Iberian colonial rule whose cultural traditions bear some imprint of Spanish or Portuguese influence, e.g., the Philippines or parts of the United States. The name refers to the fact that the journal's mission cuts across disciplinary and regional boundaries.
Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review accepts contributions in Spanish, Portuguese, or English from scholars in musicology, ethnomusicology, and related disciplines. It is a refereed journal with a distinguished editorial board, and it conforms to the highest standards of modern humanistic scholarship.
This groundbreaking new journal is available free of charge through the University of California’s eScholarship website:  http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal  Please visit DIAMR to view Volume 1, Issue 1, to get more information about its policies and procedures, and to submit your work for publication.

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El Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latinoamericana se complace en anunciar el lanzamiento de una nueva revista: Diagonal: An Ibero-American Music Review (Diagonal: Una revista de música iberoamericana).
Su objetivo es el de realzar la más reciente investigación sobre la vasta herencia musical de Iberia y América Latina, así como de otras regiones que estuvieron en el pasado bajo el régimen colonial ibérico, y cuyas tradiciones culturales muestran la huella de la influencia española o portuguesa (por ejemplo, las Filipinas o los Estados Unidos).

Diagonal: Una revista de música iberoamericana acepta contribuciones en español, portugués o inglés de investigadores en musicología, etnomusicología y disciplinas afines. La revista es arbitrada, cuenta con un cuerpo editorial distinguido y se sujeta a los estándares más altos de la investigación humanística moderna.
Esta innovadora publicación está disponible libre de cargo a través de la página eScholarship de la Universidad de California: http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal  Consulte el número 1, volumen 1 de DIAMR para obtener mayor información sobre sus políticas y procedimientos editoriales, y para someter su trabajo a publicación.

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O Centro de Música Ibérica e Latino-Americana tem o prazer de anunciar o lançamento de seu novo periódico -- Diagonal: Revista de Música Ibero-Americana

O objetivo deste periódico é apresentar as últimas pesquisas sobre a vasta herança cultural da Península Ibérica e América Latina, bem como de outras regiões que estiveram sob o domínio colonial ibérico e cujas tradições culturais apresentam marcas de influência espanhola ou portuguesa, por exemplo, as Filipinas e algumas regiões dos Estados Unidos. O nome Diagonal refere-se à missão de atravessar as barreiras disciplinares e regionais.

Diagonal: Revista de Música Ibero-Americana aceita submissões em línguas espanhola, portuguesa e inglesa de pesquisadores nas áreas da musicologia, etnomusicologia, e disciplinas relacionadas. Trata-se de um periódico avaliado por pares, com um corpo editorial formado por pesquisadores renomados, e em harmonia com os elevados padrões da moderna pesquisa em humanidades.

O periódico está disponível em acesso livre através do portal eScholarship, mantido pela Universidade da Califórnia: http://escholarship.org/uc/diagonal Visite Diagonal para acessar o Volume 1, Número 1 e obter maiores informações sobre seu funcionamento, bem como submeter o seu trabalho para publicação.

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September 2014

Announcement in English, Spanish, and Portuguese



The Otto Mayer-Serra Award for Music Research

The University of California, Riverside, and the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music (CILAM) call for submissions for the Otto Mayer-Serra Awards, given annually for the best unpublished articles on any aspect of Iberian or Latin American Music.


Two awards will be given:  First Place, $2000; Second Place, $1000.  There will also be an Honorable mention, but with no monetary award.  The two award-winning essays will be published in Diagonal:  An Ibero-American Music Review, a new, peer-reviewed online journal of the Center for Iberian and Latin American Music at the University of California, Riverside.


All scholars are eligible to apply, regardless of age, nationality, or place of residence.


The winners will be selected by a committee of outside reviewers, nominated by CILAM. The names of the committee members will be made public after a decision has been reached. The committee’s decision is final and may not be appealed. If no submission is deemed worthy, the prize may not be awarded. The committee may disqualify any participant who does not meet the requirements established by this call.

Application process

A completed application will consist of the following:

1. Authors of articles to be considered for the awards should submit one complete copy in word doc or pdf format as an attachment to an email addressed to Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). Articles should not exceed 40 pages, inclusive of references, illustrations, and musical examples. All material should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman Font, with margins of at least one inch.

2. To allow for the anonymous review of submissions, the author’s name should appear only in the cover letter, which should also contain the full title of the submission and all relevant contact information. Authors should avoid identifying themselves in the manuscript itself (title page, header, notes) or in the file information.

3. The article must be unpublished and written in Spanish or Portuguese and will be published correspondingly in either language.
Application deadline: October 25, 2014. Prize winners will be notified by January 25, 2015.

After being notified, the winning authors will submit publication-quality musical examples and illustrations in TIFF (300dpi) and the text in Word format. The author will be responsible for arranging the corresponding permits for publication.

The Otto Mayer-Serra Prize for Music Research was established in 2008 by Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas,  Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and Pauta.  It is funded by the College of Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences at UCR.

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The Otto Mayer-Serra Award for Music Research


La Universidad de California Riverside y el Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latino Americana (CILAM) convocan a la presentación de ensayos para el Premio Internacional de Investigación Musical Otto Mayer Serra, otorgado anualmente a los dos mejores artículos sin previa publicación, sobre cualquier aspecto de la música ibérica o latinoamericana.


Se otorgarán dos premios consistentes en $2,000 y $1,000 dólares al primer y segundo lugar, respectivamente. Habrá igualmente una mención honorífica, sin premio monetario. Los dos artículos ganadores serán publicados en Diagonal:  An Ibero-American Music Review (Diagonal: Una revista musical iberoamericana), la nueva revista dictaminada y en línea del Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latino Americana de la Universidad de California Riverside.


Podrán participar todos los autores, sin importar su edad, lugar de residencia o nacionalidad, que en forma individual presenten un ensayo sobre la música de América Latina.

El jurado será nombrado por CILAM y estará integrado por investigadores de reconocido prestigio internacional. La composición del jurado se hará pública hasta la emisión del fallo y su decisión será inapelable. Es facultad del jurado descalificar cualquier trabajo que no cumpla con alguno de los requisitos marcados por esta convocatoria. El premio podrá ser declarado desierto.


1. Los trabajos deberán ser enviados en formato Word o pdf, anexos a un correo electrónico dirigido a Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). El texto deberá tener una extensión máxima de 40 cuartillas a doble espacio, Times New Roman, 12 Pts., márgenes no menores de 2.5 cm, incluyendo ejemplos musicales, gráficos, tablas, referencias y apéndices.

2. Para permitir la revisión anónima de los textos el nombre del autor aparecerá solamente en el mensaje de correo electrónico, el cual deberá contener también el título del artículo y todos los datos necesarios para establecer contacto con el autor. Los autores deberán evitar identificarse tanto en el texto del artículo como en el documento en general (encabezado, notas, etc.).

3. El artículo debe no haber sido publicado previamente y estar escrito en español o portugués, idioma en el cual será publicado en Diagonal.

La fecha límite de entrega es el 25 de octubre de 2014. Los ganadores serán notificados a más tardar el 25 de enero de 2015.


En caso de ser declarado ganador, los gráficos y ejemplos musicales correspondientes al trabajo deberán ser entregados en formato TIFF (300 dpi) y los archivos de texto en formato Word. El autor será responsable de tramitar los permisos de reproducción de música y de gráficos.

El Premio Internacional de Investigación Musical Otto Mayer-Serra fue patrocinado en 2008 por Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas,  Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y la revista Pauta.

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Prêmio Otto Mayer-Serra para a Pesquisa em Música


A Universidade da Califórnia em Riverside e o Centro para a Música Ibérica e
Latino-Americana (CILAM) abrem uma chamada de trabalhos para o Prêmio Otto Mayer-Serra, outorgado anualmente ao melhor trabalho inédito sobre qualquer aspecto da música ibérica ou latino-americana.


Dois prêmios serão concedidos: Primeiro Lugar US$ 2.000,00; Segundo Lugar US$ 1.000,00. Haverá também Menção Honrosa, mas sem prêmio monetário. Os dois ensaios vencedores serão publicados no número inaugural de Diagonal: Revista de Música Ibero-Americana, um novo jornal online avaliado por pares e publicado pelo Centro para a Música Ibérica e Latino-Americana da Universidade da Califórnia em Riverside.


Todos os pesquisadores são convidados a participar, sem limite de idade, nacionalidade, ou local de residência.


Os vencedores serão selecionados por um comitê de avaliadores externos, nomeados pelo CILAM. Os nomes dos membros serão divulgados assim que o comitê tenha sido constituído. A decisão do comitê será final e não sujeita a apelação. No caso de nenhum trabalho ser considerado de qualidade suficiente, o prêmio poderá não ser outorgado. O comitê poderá desqualificar qualquer participante que não comprir os requisitos estabelecidos nesta chamada.


Uma inscrição completa constará do seguinte:

1. Autores deverão enviar seus trabalhos em formato doc ou pdf, anexados a um email dirigido a Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). O trabalho deverá ter uma
extensão máxima de 40 páginas em papel tamanho carta, incluindo exemplos musicais, imagens, tabelas, referências e apêndices. O texto deverá ser redigido integralmente em espaçamento duplo, fonte Times New Roman, 12 Pts., margens não menores do que 2.5 cm,

2. A fim de permitir a avaliação anônima dos trabalhos, o nome do(a) autor(a) deverá aparecer apenas na página de rosto, que conterá também o título completo e informações para contato. Na medida do possível, autores devem evitar identificar-se no manuscrito (página inicial, cabeçalho, notas) ou no próprio arquivo digital (i.e., menu Propriedades).

3. O trabalho deverá ser inédito e escrito em Espanhol ou Português. Caso seja selecionado, o trabalho será publicado no mesmo idioma. Data-limite: 25 de Outubro de 2014. Os vencedores serão anunciados até 25 de Janeiro de 2015.

Após notificados, os autores selecionados deverão submeter os exemplos musicais em qualidade padrão para publicação (TIFF, 300dpi) e o texto em formato doc Word. Quando necessária, a obtenção das permissões de publicação de imagens e excertos musicais ficará a cargo dos autores.

O Prêmio Internacional Otto Mayer-Serra de Pesquisa em Música foi estabelecido em 2008 por Instrumenta Oaxaca, Governo do Estado de Oaxaca, Fundação para as Letras Mexicanas, Coordenação de Difusão Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Belas Artes e a revista Pauta. Ele é financiado pelo Colégio de Humanidades, Artes e Ciências Sociais da UCR.

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January 2014

The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music at the University of California, Riverside, is pleased to announce the winner and honorable mention in the 2013 Otto Mayer-Serra Competition, for the best essay on Latin American music in either musicology or ethnomusicology. This annual competition honors the memory of the Spanish-Mexican musicologist Otto Mayer-Serra (1904-68) and seeks to continue his groundbreaking research on the music of Latin America. The OMS competition accepts submissions in Spanish or Portuguese. The winner receives a cash award of $1500, and his or her article will be published in Latin American Music Review.

This year’s judges reviewed numerous essays and were duly impressed by their high quality. Information about next year’s competition will be available in early 2014.

2013 Otto Mayer-Serra Competition Results


Bernardo Illari: “¿Una nueva y gloriosa nación? Retórica y subjetividad en la Marcha patriótica rioplatense de 1813.”

Honorable Mention

Julio Mendívil: “El imperio contraataca: La representación revivalista de la música incaica y los primeros brotes de nacionalismo en la musicología sobre la región andina.”

The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music is grateful to all those who submitted essays to this competition and looks forward to future contributions. It especially wishes to thank the three judges who reviewed the submissions:

John Koegel, chair (California State University, Fullerton)
Frederick Moehn (King’s College London)
Melanie Plesch (University of Melbourne)

Walter Aaron Clark
Professor of Musicology
Director, Center for Iberian and Latin American Music

University of California, Riverside

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FIMTE 12th Symposium on Spanish Keyboard Music “Diego Fernández”
Early Music Revivals and the Performance of Spanish Keyboard Music
Rafael Puyana. In Memoriam

Parador de Mojácar, Almería, 7 – 9 AUGUST 2014
The 12th International Symposium on Spanish Keyboard Music “Diego Fernández” will be held at the Parador of Mojácar, Almería, Andalusia, on the 7 to 9 August 2014, as part of FIMTE 2014: the 15th International Festival of Spanish Keyboard Music. The festival will feature  a full week of concerts, expert lectures, and workshops.
This symposium brings together academics and performers to investigate issues of performance practice across a range of styles. It draws on a range of expertise into past and current trends in performance of Spanish Keyboard Music.
Proposals for papers, lecture-concerts and concerts are encouraged in the following areas, but not limited to:

  • Early Music Revivals: Repertoire, Performers and Performance styles
  • Performance issues: ornamentation, articulation, sources, instruments

We welcome 200-250 word abstracts for 20-minute papers, as well as proposals for lecture-concerts (30-minutes) and concerts (one hour). Abstracts should be signed at the bottom with the author’s name, institutional affiliation or city of residence and full return address, including e-mail address and fax number where possible.
Official languages: English and Spanish.
Symposium fee (including Symposium dinner) EUR 170
Deadline for abstracts: 1st May 2014
For further information, please contact:

Luisa Morales
Apdo. 212 Garrucha 04630
Almería ESPAÑA
Tel: +34 610804486/950132621

FIMTE has a limited number of scholarships available, covering only the registration fees for the symposium and/or the workshop. Travel and accommodation costs must be borne by the applicant. To apply for the scholarship, submit a CV to the organization before May 1st.

· Hotel Mojácar Playa, 3 minutes walk from the Conference building. Rooms available from 45 to 60 euros night. Please, contact them directly: http://www.hotel-mojacar-playa.com, Tel. 34-950 472602; FAX 34-950 478940; e-mail: hotelmojacar@wanadoo.es
· Parador Nacional de Mojácar, where the conference is held. Rooms from 100 to 150 euros. Please, contact them directly: http://www.parador.es/en/portal.do , Tel. 34-950478250; FAX 34-950478183; e-mail: mojacar@parador.es 
Because this is a touristic destination, we strongly recommend you to book at least one month prior to the symposium.
· Airport: Almería is the nearest airport (90 km from Mojácar)
· Train: Almería Station (90 km) or Lorca Station (60 km)
· Bus: Vera or Mojacar Bus Station (connecting with Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Murcia…)
A service of shuttles Almería-Mojácar would be available in the afternoon of the 7th August. Please, contact us well in advance to organize your transport.

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June 2-6, 2014

Fundamentals of Spanish Keyboard Music - 16th to early 19th centuries

DUKE UNIVERSITY, Biddle Music Building on East Campus

Instructors: Luisa Morales (FIMTE, Spain) - Robert Parkins (Duke University, USA)

Complete Program

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September 2013

Julio Cortázar, a Life in Words and Musical Notes

A celebration of the 100th anniversary of his birth: Friday, March 21, 2014

Call for Papers and Scores

The Bob Cole Conservatory of Music and The Romance, German, Russian Languages and Literatures Department at California State University, Long Beach, with the sponsorship of the Consulate General and Promotion Center of the Argentine Republic are pleased to announce the International Symposium on the Fiction of Julio Cortázar to be held on Friday, March 21, 2014. At this symposium we will honor the centenary of the birth of the Argentinean author. Cortázar, like many authors of the period, was greatly influenced by the correspondence among the arts. His fiction reflected his knowledge and passion for music, film, photography, architecture, painting, sculpture, and other expressions of the human spirit. Of all these, it was music, and jazz in particular, that claimed his attention often and was to be his muse and constant presence in many of his most well-known fiction, such as the groundbreaking Hopscotch (1963).

In Cortázar's works his interest in music bleeds into the themes, the characters, and the places he creates. Music also influences the syntax and rhythms of his narrative in unexpected ways in search for a new language influenced by jazz improvisation. But does this influence go beyond jazz? Beyond the classical music he knows so well? Musicologists, composers, and literary critics will engage in a dialogue about one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century and his longstanding love affair with the relationship between music and words.


We invite 500-word proposals in Spanish or in English. Abstracts on the following topics are particularly welcomed:

  • Cortázar and music
  • Time and sound in Cortázar's narrative
  • Jazz as character and theme in Cortázar's fictions
  • Artistic correspondences in Cortázar's works
  • Musical imagery in Cortázar's stories
  • Memory and musical images
  • A life in words
  • "El perseguidor" and Charlie Parker
  • Jazz, dance and love in Hopscotch

Abstracts on other themes related to Cortázar's life and works will be considered. Please specify technological requirements at the end of your proposal, and indicate which of the proposed theme-headings better suits your paper. Papers must have a maximum extension of 7 double-spaced pages to be read in 15 minutes followed by 5 minutes for Q&A, for a total time of 20 minutes. When you reach 13 minutes, your moderator will ask you to skip to your conclusions.
*Papers may be presented in English or Spanish, but can't be read in absentia.

To attend the full day conference/concert: $85/$30 students with valid ID
This includes all papers sessions and concert. Breakfast, a boxed lunch and a light dinner will be offered, and they are included in the registration fee.
Abstracts for entries and registration fees must be paid in order for your proposal to be considered. Please, mail your payment (personal check/money order only) to:

Romance, German, Russian Languages & Literature Dept.
AS 309
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90840

Please, address the payment to RGRLL, CSULB. We will not deposit your check/money order until your proposal is accepted. Please include a self-addressed envelope for the return of your registration fee if your proposal is not accepted. However, if your proposal is accepted and you can't attend the symposium, we won't be able to refund your registration.

Deadline For Submissions
*Spaces are limited. Please, submit your title and 500-word abstract electronically by Monday, December 2nd, 2013 to:

Claire Emilie Martin

Alicia Doyle


We invite composers of any age or nationality to submit new musical works, which should connect with the works of Julio Cortázar, and be written specifically for this symposium. In order to encourage participation in the concert and symposium by students of the California State University system, preference will be given to current CSU students.

Works should refer to or be inspired by any writing by Cortázar (for instance, his poems, novels, short stories), or be formed in dialogue with the music with which Cortázar's writings connect most intimately. If the new work actually sets or otherwise uses a text by Cortázar, the composer must provide evidence of having secured copyright permission along with the composition.

Scores should be accompanied by a short bio, and a two-paragraph program note explaining which of Cortázar's work informs the composition, and in which ways. A panel consisting of CSULB composition faculty and a CSULB Composers' Guild member will determine the works to be featured on Friday, March 21st, 2014 at the Gerald Daniel Recital Hall. All selected works will be performed and recorded by members of the CSULB New Music Ensemble.

Medium: We will accept compositions for any combination from three to seven instruments drawn from the following ensemble:

  • Tenor Voice
  • Trumpet
  • Saxophone
  • Violin
  • Cello
  • Piano
  • Percussion (1 player)

Works with electronics will be considered. Specify technical requirements with your submission.

works should be at least 4 minutes in duration; preference will be given to works under 10 minutes. Limit one work per composer.

Composers whose works are accepted for performance will be required to attend the concert, and pre-register for at least the concert portion of the conference.
Full day conference/concert: $85/$30 students with valid ID
Concert/reception only: $65/$25 students with valid ID
Concert tickets only: $15/10 for students with valid ID

Deadline for Submissions
Submit a PDF of your scores and optional (MIDI/live) recording by Monday December 2nd, 2013 to:

Adriana Verdié

Please do not submit parts or any other performance materials until your submission is approved. Once you are notified your score has been selected for performance, we will require that a bound 8.5" x 11", double-side score, and parts (with proper page turns) be received by Monday January 20th, 2014.

Bob Cole Conservatory of Music
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90840-7101

Romance, German, Russian Languages & Literature Dept.
AS 309
1250 Bellflower Blvd.
Long Beach, CA 90840

Consulate General and Promotion Center of the Argentine Republic
5055 Wilshire Boulevard
Suite 210
Los Angeles, CA 90036

California State University, Long Beach

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July 2013

International Conference “Sones de ida y vuelta”: colonial musics on debate (1492-1898)
Tuesday 3–Thursday 5 December 2013
Call for Papers

The present Colloquium aims both to present a critical assessment of recent research in the field and to promote new perspectives into colonial musics in its broadest conceptual and chronological scope. All aspects of current colonial musics scholarship will be drawn together, with an emphasis on the processes of musical exchange between the Iberian Peninsula and the Americas from 1492 to 1898.
Keynote-speakers: Egberto Bermúdez (Bogotá), Drew Edward Davies (Chicago), Victoria Eli (Madrid), María Gembero-Ustárroz (Barcelona), Bernardo Illari (Denton), and Alejandro Vera (Santiago de Chile).
Potential topics for papers include, but are not limited to:
* methodologies, historiography  and sources to study processes of musical exchange between the Iberian Peninsula and the New World
* models of musical patronage: from cathedrals and missions to salons and theatres
* migrations of musicians: single and round trips
* circulation, reception and transformation of imported repertories
* exportation/importation of musical instruments, organological models and performance practices
* inter influence processes: European models, Iberian models and autochthonous traditions, learned vs popular musics
* imperialism/criollism/nationalism: representation of identities, ethnicities and minorites in the Iberian and Latin American musics
* continuities and changes of colonial musics along the nineteenth century
* recovery of colonial musics from a historically informed performance: constructions and ideologies
We welcome proposals for individual papers of twenty minutes, in English or Spanish. Applications should include:
- paper abstract (ca. 200 words)
- author’s institutional affiliation (if any), short vita and email address (ca. 150 words)
- description of audio-visual equipment required.
Abstracts should be sent to chair Javier Marín: marin@ujaen.es
- Deadline for submission of proposals: 1st September 2013
- Deadline for notification of acceptance of proposals: September 15, 2013
- Official languages: English and Spanish
We understand that some international presenters will not be able to make the trip to Baeza to present their research paper, mainly due to financial restrictions. For some individual cases a virtual presentation system via video conferencing could be considered.
The Colloquium will culminate in several concerts by leading early music ensembles such as Al Ayre Español, Musica Ficta, and La Grande Chapelle, among others (from 5 to 8 December). The concerts will take place both in Ubeda and Baeza, World Heritage Cities of the greatest historical and artistic interest.
- International University of Andalusia, Baeza (Jaen, Spain)
- National Center of Music Diffusion (Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Government of Spain)
- Early Music Festival of Ubeda & Baeza
Egberto Bermúdez (National University of Colombia, Bogota)
Victoria Eli (Complutense University, Madrid) 
María Gembero-Ustárroz (CSIC, Spanish National Research Council, Barcelona)
Bernardo Illari (University of North Texas, Denton)
Javier Marín, chair (University of Jaen, Early Music Festival of Ubeda & Baeza)
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Congreso Internacional “Sones de ida y vuelta”: músicas coloniales a debate (1492-1898)
Martes 3–Jueves 5 Diciembre 2013

El presente Congreso pretende ofrecer un balance crítico de la investigación reciente sobre el tema y, al mismo tiempo, promover nuevas perspectivas en relación a las músicas coloniales en su más amplia acepción conceptual y cronológica, prestando especial atención a los procesos de intercambio musical entre la Península Ibérica y el Nuevo Mundo en el periodo 1492-1898.
Ponentes confirmados: Egberto Bermúdez (Bogotá), Drew Edward Davies (Chicago), Victoria Eli (Madrid), María Gembero-Ustárroz (Barcelona), Bernardo Illari (Denton) y Alejandro Vera (Santiago de Chile).
Temas para la presentación de comunicaciones (no excluyentes):
* metodologías, problemas historiográficos y fuentes para el estudio de los procesos de intercambio musical entre la Península Ibérica y el Nuevo Mundo
* modelos de mecenazgo musical: de catedrales y misiones al salón y al teatro
* movimientos migratorios de músicos: viajes de ida y viajes de vuelta
* circulación, recepción y transformación de los repertorios importados
* exportación/importación de instrumentos musicales, modelos organológicos y prácticas interpretativas
* procesos de interinfluencia: modelos europeos, modelos ibéricos y tradiciones autóctonas, músicas cultas vs. música populares
* imperialismo/criollismo/nacionalismo: representación de identidades, etnicidades y minorías en las músicas ibérica y latinoamericana
* pervivencias, continuidades y cambios de las músicas coloniales a lo largo del siglo XIX
* la recuperación de las músicas coloniales desde una perspectiva históricamente informada: construcciones e ideologías
Damos la bienvenida a la presentación de propuestas individuales de comunicaciones de 20 minutos, en inglés o español. Las propuestas deben incluir:
- resumen (ca. 200 words)
- afiliación institucional (si procede), breve biografía y dirección electrónica del autor (ca. 150 words)
- medios audiovisuales requeridos
Los resúmenes han de enviarse a Javier Marín: marin@ujaen.es
- Fecha límite para la presentación de propuestas: 1 septiembre 2013
- Fecha límite para la notificación de propuestas aceptadas: 15 septiembre 2013
- Lenguas oficiales del Congreso: inglés y español
Entendemos que algunos comunicantes internacionales pueden no tener posibilidad de viajar a Baeza para presentar su investigación, principalmente por restricciones financieras. Para determinados casos, podrá considerarse la posibilidad de participación a través de video conferencia.
El Coloquio culminará con una serie de conciertos, a cargo de destacadas formaciones en el campo de la música antigua como Al Ayre Español, Música Ficta y La Grande Chapelle, entre otras (del 5 al 8 de diciembre). Los conciertos tendrán lugar tanto en Úbeda como en Baeza, ciudades “Patrimonio Mundial de la Humanidad”, de gran interés histórico y artístico.
- Universidad Internacional de Andalucía, Baeza (España)
- Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Gobierno de España)
- Festival de Música Antigua de Úbeda y Baeza
Egberto Bermúdez (Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá)
Victoria Eli (Universidad Complutense, Madrid) 
María Gembero-Ustárroz (CSIC, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Barcelona)
Bernardo Illari (Universidad de North Texas, Denton)
Javier Marín, director (Universidad de Jaén, Festival de Música Antigua de Úbeda y Baeza)

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June 2013


The Otto Mayer-Serra Award for Music Research

The University of California Riverside and the Center for Iberian and Latin-American Music (CILAM) call for submissions for the Otto Mayer-Serra Award, given annually for the best unpublished article on Latin American music.


A single, undivided award of 1,500 USD; the award-winning essay will be published in the Latin American Music Review.


All scholars are eligible to apply, regardless of age, nationality or place of residence.


The winner will be selected by a committee of outside reviewers, nominated by CILAM. The names of the committee members will be made public after a decision has been reached. The committee’s decision is final and may not be appealed. If no submission is deemed worthy, the prize may not be awarded. The committee may disqualify any participant who does not meet the requirements established by this call.

Application process

A completed application will consist of the following:

1. Authors of articles to be considered for the award should submit one complete copy in word doc or pdf format as an attachment to an email addressed to Walter Clark (walter.clark@ucr.edu). Articles should not exceed 40 pages, inclusive of references, illustrations, and musical examples. All material should be double-spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman Font, with margins of at least one inch.

2. To allow for the anonymous review of submissions, the author’s name should appear only in the cover letter, which should also contain the full title of the submission and all relevant contact information. Authors should avoid identifying themselves in the manuscript itself (title page, header, notes) or in the file information.

3. The article must be unpublished and written in Spanish or Portuguese and will be published correspondingly in either language.
Application deadline: July 15, 2013. The winner of the prize will be notified in October 2013.

After being notified, the winning author will submit publication-quality musical examples and illustrations in TIFF (300dpi) and the text in Word format. The author will be responsible for arranging the corresponding permits for publication.

The Otto Mayer-Serra Prize for Music Research was established in 2008 by Instrumenta Oaxaca, Gobierno del Estado de Oaxaca, Fundación para las Letras Mexicanas,  Coordinación de Difusión Cultural UNAM, Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes and Pauta.

En Español

Em Português

In English

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December 2012


It is my sad duty to report the death of Robert M. Stevenson (1916-2012), certainly one of the leading musicologists of the latter half of the twentieth century and a preeminent figure in the advancement of Ibero-American musicological research. 

Dr. Stevenson passed away at 10:45 p.m. on December 22, at a nursing home in Santa Monica.  He’d been struggling with assorted ailments since last July and was in various hospitals and healthcare facilities from early August to the end.  He put up a very good fight and came back from death’s door several times, but at age 96, it was a losing battle.

Per Dr. Stevenson’s request, there will be no memorial service.  He will be cremated and his ashes placed alongside those of his siblings in Washington, D.C.  A fuller obituary will follow soon.

Walter A. Clark

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Friday 7–Saturday 8 December 2012

Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, The University of Melbourne, Australia

Full Programme at the Symposium Website: http://www.conservatorium.unimelb.edu.au/SpanishMusicSymposium

Western Music and entertainment have drawn on features of Spanish music and dance for over 200 years, building on them as cornerstones of musical exoticism. These constructions of musical exoticism have in turn informed different manifestations of Spanish musical nationalism, as well as regional and popular musics of Spain.

This Symposium brings together scholars from around the world to reflect on Spain’s unique position in the enactment of musical and cultural identity. The papers explore themes that span a range of periods, genres and musical styles, from opera and flamenco to dance and film, and encompass approaches including historical musicology, cultural studies and performance practice.

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November 2012



Jazz Dialogues between Ibero-America and the United States
Saturday, November 3, 8 p.m.

Alejandro L. Madrid, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chair

This year’s Hispanic Interest Group topic examines the flows that have informed the development of jazz in and outside of the United States. The panel will focus on the often-neglected contributions of Latin American musicians in the development of one of the United States’ most iconic musics, how jazz has been embraced and resignified abroad, and how it has been continuously reinvented according to transnational identity projects.

“Transnational Reinventions of the Danzón in Latin Jazz and Latin Rap”
Alejandro L. Madrid, University of Illinois at Chicago

This presentation explores the contemporary rearticulations of the danzón by jazz artists in Cuba, Mexico, and the U.S.  A study of the music by Maraca and Dayramir González shows how contemporary Latin Jazz musicians have taken the danzón to imagine a modern Black identity within the circulation of Afro-diasporic cultural flows between the U.S. and the Caribbean.  By comparing these musical projects with danzón-inspired songs by Cuban and Mexican rappers Francis Ríos and Control Machete, the presentation argues that, at a moment of unprecedented emigration in Cuban history, nostalgia allows for the reinvention of local traditional musics into aesthetic-political projects that re-imagine Cuban culture from a transnational perspective.

“Brazil in the Lofts:  Brazilian Jazz(mania) in New York City, ca. 1980”
Jason Stanyek, University of Oxford

During its heyday in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the loft scene in New York City was an incubator for radical revisionings of jazz performance. As George E. Lewis put it, the lofts were environments that “eschewed the codes and genre-policing of conventional jazz and classical performance” and “provided entry-level support for an emerging multiracial network of musicians.”  Seldom remarked upon, however, is the vital role Brazilian jazz musicians played in helping to constitute and sustain the loft scene.  This presentation uses an examination of the annual Brazilian jazz festivals that took place at Mike Morgenstern’s “Jazzmania Society” loft in the early 1980s as a springboard for asking questions about the varied contributions Brazilian musicians have made to the long history of jazz in the United States.

“Modernism, Nationalism, and Race in the Early Jazz of Barcelona, 1900-36”
Antoni Pizà, The Graduate Center, The City University of New York

In the early years of the twentieth century, Barcelona boasted a thriving jazz scene, including many local musicians, touring bands, venues (clubs and theaters), critics, magazines, and educational initiatives that encompassed lecture series and appreciation courses.  The success of this “new” music was principally due to its perceived cultural otherness as much as its innovative musical features.  Many musicians were African American, but there was also a small group of Latin American émigrés (discussed here for the first time).  Through a study of archival materials and unpublished sources (including criticism, archival recordings, caricatures, posters, ticket stubs, announcements, lecture invitations, etc.), this paper shows that, for Catalans, jazz acquired meaning at the intersection of modernity, nationalism, and difference both racial and musical.

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September 2012

The Center for Iberian and Latin American Music at UCR is pleased to announce that the 2012 Otto Mayer-Serra Award for Music Research goes to:

Jaime O. Bofill Colero, “Bomba, danza, calipso y merengue:  creación del espacio social en las Fiestas de Santiago Apóstol de Loíza”

This paper presents a convincing, well-executed study of a socio-religious practice in Puerto Rico. The author shows how sound plays a crucial role in the definition of a spiritually significant and inclusive space in the Feast of Santiago Apóstol de Loíza.  Far from being a passive entity, the soundscape explored in this paper is described as an active and dialogic presence, made vital by its physical expression in the bodies of dancers and bystanders.  By combining lively observation with updated theoretical analyses, it brings forward many qualities that we prize in Latin American music research.

Honorable mention in this year's competition goes to:
Rafael Díaz S. (Pontifica Universidad Católica, Chile), “Tiwanaku inventó la flauta traversa del sur del mundo”

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El Centro para la Música Ibérica y Latino-Americana de la Universidad de California Riverside se complace en anunciar que el Premio de Investigación Musical Otto Mayer-Serra 2012 ha sido otorgado a

Jaime O. Bofill Colero, “Bomba, danza, calipso y merengue:  creación del espacio social en las Fiestas de Santiago Apóstol de Loíza”

Este ensayo presenta un estudio convincente y bien ejecutado de una práctica socio-religiosa en Puerto Rico. El autor muestra cómo el sonido desempeña un papel crucial en la definición de un espacio incluyente y espiritualmente significativo en las Fiestas de Santiago Apóstol de Loíza. Lejos de ser una entidad pasiva, el panorama sonoro explorado en este trabajo es descrito como una presencia activa y dialógica, hecha vital por su expresión física en los cuerpos tanto de los danzantes como de los espectadores. Al combinar una observación viva con un análisis teórico avanzado, este trabajo representa muchas de las cualidades que apreciamos en la investigación sobre la música latinoamericana.

Una mención honorífica fue otorgada a
Rafael Díaz S., “Tiwanaku inventó la flauta traversa del sur del mundo”

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O Centro para a Música Ibérica e Latino-Americana da Universidade da Califórnia, Riverside, tem o prazer de anunciar que o Premio Otto Mayer-Serra de Pesquisa em Música de 2012 foi concedido a

Jaime O. Bofill Colero (University of Arizona), “Bomba, danza, calipso y merengue: creación del espacio social en las Fiestas de Santiago Apóstol de Loíza”

Este trabalho apresenta um estudo convincente e bem realizado de uma prática sócio-religiosa em Porto Rico. O autor demonstra como o som desempenha um papel crucial na definição de um espaço espiritualmente significante e includente na Festa de Santiago Apóstol de Loíza. Longe de ser uma entidade passiva, a paisagem sonora explorada neste trabalho é descrita como uma presença ativa e dialógica, tornada vital pela expressão física dos corpos dos dançarinos e espectadores. Combinando uma vívida observação com análises teóricas atualizadas, o trabalho apresenta muitas das qualidades que prezamos na pesquisa em música Latino-Americana.

Foi concedida Menção Honrosa para:

Rafael Díaz S. (Pontifica Universidad Católica, Chile), “Tiwanaku inventó la flauta traversa del sur del mundo”

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Dr. Leonora Saavedra
Music Department
Arts Building #140
University of California Riverside
CA 92521

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April 2012

W. W. Norton is pleased to announce the release of a groundbreaking textbook entitled Musics of Latin America (Robin Moore, managing editor, Walter Aaron Clark, contributing editor). This volume reaches across disciplinary boundaries by covering a wide variety of traditional, popular, and classical musics of Latin America. The roster of contributors features both historical musicologists and ethnomusicologists, each a leading specialist in his or her area. In addition to the editors, these include John Koegel, Cristina Magaldi, Daniel Party, Jonathan Ritter, Deborah Schwartz-Kates, T.M. Scruggs, and Susan Thomas. Visit the following website for more information, and to order a desk copy:


eflyer e-flyer

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March 2012


Spanish musics and their [Western] Others: Negotiating identity and exoticism

Friday 7 – Saturday 8 December 2012
The University of Melbourne, Australia

Western Music and entertainment have drawn on features of Spanish music and dance since at least the Napoleonic wars. In turn, constructions of musical exoticism based on Hispanic tropes have informed different manifestations of Spanish musical nationalism, as well as regional and popular musics of Spain. These “Spanish” musical identities have evolved and been reconfigured according to the dictates of competing cultural, political and social factors, yet Spain’s unique position and its enactment of cultural identity cannot easily be reconciled within current narratives of musical nationalism and exoticism.

Papers are invited that examine Spanish musical identity, engage with Western evocations of Spanish music, or explore such repertories in relation to constructions of nationalism and exoticism since 1800.
Papers may address repertories or issues relating to one of the following areas (or others related to the conference theme):

  1. Western art music
  2. Dance and theatrical spectacle
  3. National and regional musics
  4. Popular musics
  5. Flamenco
  6. Music and film

Please submit an abstract of not more than 250 words, with a brief biographical note,
to Michael Christoforidis, by emailing  mchri@unimelb.edu.au
by Monday 30 April 2012

Paper-givers will be notified by mid-May, but if you need earlier notification, please indicate this in your submission.
There will be a publication of refereed proceedings.

Accommodation (2 nights) will be provided for international presenters

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FIMTE is starting a new series of monographs on Spanish Keyboard Music. It is called the “FIMTE Author Series”, and aims at publishing first-rate original work, giving both beginning authors and recognized scholars the chance to publish their research work under the requirement of innovation and scholarly excellence. Proposals should be written in good English or Spanish and be clearly organized.
FIMTE publications are reviewed in established academic journals.

To facilitate the peer review process, book proposals should include the following information:

A one-page synopsis of the project, including the proposed title for the book
A chapter outline and table of contents
A brief discussion of the existing literature and the expected contribution to it
An estimation of the length of the manuscript and the estimated delivery date
Details of special features, including tables, the number and type of illustrations you would like to include, e.g. photographs, line-drawings, maps, music examples
An indication of whether the proposal has been submitted to any other publisher
A sample chapter
Suggestions for appropriately qualified academic referees or reviewers
A curriculum vitae

To submit a proposal for consideration or inquire about the series, please contact the editor by mail or email:

Luisa Morales
Apdo. 212
Garrucha 04630

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February 2012

New Perspectives on the Keyboard Works of Antonio Soler
The 11th International Symposium on Spanish Keyboard Music “Diego Fernández”
Parador de Mojácar, Almería, 11 - 12 October 2012
link to the whole post

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New Publication:
Keyboard Music in the Female Monasteries and Convents of Spain, Potugal, and the Americas
FIMTE Studies on Iberian Keyboard Music
Edited by Luisa Morales
Articles by Colleen Baade, Cristina Bordas, Marta Fernández Pan, Gregorio García, Louis Jambou, John Koster, Elisa Lessa, Luisa Morales, Nuria Salazar, Susanne Skyrm, Alfonso de Vicente, Cicely Winter-Ryszard Rodys

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December 2011

Two Ibero-American entries have been nominated for Grammys in the Small Ensemble category:

1. Richard Savino's group El Mundo, for The Kingdoms of Castile (on the Dorian Sono Luminus label).
This is the only CD representing Iberio-American music before 1800.

2. Peruvian-American composer Gabriela Lena Frank, for her Hilos, recorded by the ALIAS Chamber Ensemble (on the Naxos label).

Here is the Grammy link; go to category 73 (small ensembles):


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November 2011

The Ibero-American Music Study Group will be holding its annual session at the national meeting of the American Musicological Society in San Francisco, on November 11, 2011, at 8 p.m.  The program has been organized and will be chaired by Carol A. Hess (Michigan State University).  Panelists will include:

Luiz Fernando Lopes (Indiana University), “Indiana University’s Latin American Music Center at Fifty (1961-2011): Past Challenges and Future Plans”

Leonora Saavedra (University of California, Riverside), “One More Time: Musical Identities, the Western Canon, and Speech about Music, Revisited”

Susan Thomas (University of Georgia), “Lost in Translation: Navigating Cuban Musicologies”

The session will conclude with a business meeting and presentation of the IAMSG’s new website, designed by Rogerio Budasz.

The Latin American Music Center, of the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, recently celebrated its fiftieth anniversary with a major conference entitled Cultural Counterpoints:  Examining the Musical Interactions between the U.S. and Latin America.
This ambitious and well-organized event, which took place October 19-23, 2011, featured numerous papers and presentations by an impressive array of scholars, as well as a series of concerts notable for their variety as well as professional-level virtuosity.  The program is available at the LAMC’s website, http://music.indiana.edu/lamc/home/.